Tue 09 / 04 / 24
What's having a positive impact in the city?
Brighton Chamber CEO, Sarah Springford, takes an inside look at business in Brighton and what's having a positive impact in our city.
By Sarah Springford of Brighton Chamber
It’s a busy time at Brighton Chamber with over 70 businesses and organisations having become members since the start of the year. As well as welcoming these new members, and hosting events, we have been working on some special projects that are having a positive impact on the city’s economy and here are a few I’d like to spotlight.
It’s time to re-write the economic strategy for the city and the Council and its consultants have taken the welcomed approach of meeting with lots of different groups and sectors to collect ideas and thoughts. I’ve been to many of the meetings and it’s exciting to see what’s emerging and what’s possible. We’re aiming for a strategy that the business community can get behind with collaboration at its core. You will often hear those of us in business support organisations crying ‘why don’t people work together more!’, well this will give us a blueprint to do so, and many ways of doing it.
One of these groups is the burgeoning Tech Cluster which has been meeting monthly hosted at Barclays Eagle Labs. We have come together along with businesses, educators and interested parties. The group wants to influence how Brighton is seen from those looking in from elsewhere in UK, and the world, because we have many great success stories to share with businesses who are thinking about relocating in the city. It’s always fun to be in at the start of something new and also to see a desire to work together developing. If we can find a way to project the brilliance of Brighton, it will help our business community to grow stronger. If you want to join the Tech Cluster, get in touch with Rohun Bouri: Rohun@eaglelabsnetwork.com
It was a privilege to be part of a stakeholder panel who met with the interviewees for the position of Chief Executive for Brighton & Hove City Council. It was an insight into the complexities of such a role and the skills needed. I am delighted that Jess Gibbons was appointed and that she’ll be keen to get to know the business community well.
Most of Brighton & Hove’s secondary schools and colleges are members of Brighton Chamber and we are connecting them with businesses so both can work together. For businesses, investing time with students who are choosing careers and thinking about the skills they will need, is also helping to ensure that these employers get the talent and future employees they want. If you’d like to be put forward to help with skills sessions, being a speaker in schools or supporting teachers with industry insights, get in touch with Amy, Head of Member Engagement and Deputy CEO.
Arriving new to any city and looking for work or to become self-employed is not easy, and it is made harder if you come from a different culture and background. I’m pleased to say that the Chamber is currently part of a big project led by Brighton & Hove City Council, along with 20 other organisations, to provide support for this group of people wanting to navigate the work culture in the UK and contribute to the local economy.
Our role has been to involve local employers and one of the highlights for me are the Inclusive Employer Jobs Fairs when everyone and everything comes together. Last month, we also ran a workshop for 20 people wanting to start food businesses and invited Gemma Ogston from Gem's Wholesome Kitchen to share her journey and tips. Thanks to those of you who are getting involved and sharing your knowledge.
There’s a thread that runs through all of the above and that’s the people who are helping the city to thrive. At Brighton Chamber we celebrate community-minded types. You can spot them because they’re good at listening, they show up and they are building long term relationships. And so even though I don’t need to go to every Chamber event, I get to as many as I can because it’s a pleasure to be a part of the business community here.
Sarah Springford is CEO at Brighton Chamber - a membership organisation for businesses in Brighton to meet, learn and grow.
Find out more about being part of the Chamber's thriving business community on our why join page. And to get updates like this, business support, and events coming up at Brighton Chamber straight to your inbox subscribe to our mailing list.
Photo by Stuart Robinson, University of Sussex.
If you want to contribute to the Chamber blog, contact us on hannah@brightonchamber.co.uk