Wed 27 / 01 / 10
University of Brighton: Short Courses 2010
The University of Brighton is offering the following short courses in the first part of 2010. Please click on the relevant links for more details and how to book.
Renewable energy technologies for 6* sustainable homes
Friday 29 January 2010
A one-day seminar to benefit and interest professionals from any built
environment discipline and enable them to better understand what is required
to reach a sustainability rating of six stars, within the energy criteria in
the Code for Sustainable Homes.
Engineering and high performance polymers
15-17 February 2010
A three-day short course for those wishing to learn about engineering and
high performance polymers.
Strategic management: managing success
16 February, 2, 16 and 30 March 2010
A management training programme covering strategic marketing management,
financial management, people management and business planning and
Design and management of TCP/IP networks and applications
23-26 February 2010
The Internet Protocol Suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, forms the basis for
the internet. This practical, hands-on course will
facilitate understanding of how the protocols function and interact with
each other.
Automotive Air Conditioning
12-15 April 2010
A four-day course offering high level training for engineering professionals
in the automotive industry.
KTP Associates Conference
Wednesday 12 May 2010, Jury’s Inn, Brighton
The KTP Associate’s conference in Brighton will celebrate the benefits and
successes of the collaborative work between companies and academic
institutions through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP).
The conference will provide an excellent networking opportunity for all
those involved with, or who would like to be involved with, Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships. For more information about KTPs please see
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