Fri 28 / 06 / 13
A townie goes up on the Downs
We went Up on the Downs - A Townie Copes Sort of OK and Doesn't Whinge Too Much on a "Net Walking Event"
** Click here to book a place on the next Networking walk in August! **
Susan Beckingham from Sussex Copywriting Services writes about the Chamber walk on June 23rd.
I quite like walking. I'm not that fit, you see and it's great exercise. If you can avoid falling into mud or puddles - I normally do this, fall into puddles, that is - then you're winning. The thing about walking is that you feel really healthy after you've staggered back to the car park at the end of it, anticipating massive amounts of CAKE to compensate for the literally millions of calories you have surely burnt off.
Well, that's how this urbanite normally anticipates Going for a Walk. When I noticed on the Chamber Events Schedule that Dave Tester from e-Advantage Solutions had organised an "easy circular dog-friendly walk of about 7 miles" for Sunday June 24th I booked it immediately.
However, I really enjoyed all of it. Dave brought along his totally adorable dog Bailey (see picture), who was into everything - sights, smells, snails (?) and fascinated by other people. I also met Danni Craker of Craker Business Solutions and Nick Beddows, who runs Arcobaleno Media. All three new friends were ideal walking companions, too . Isn't it amazing what you talk about when you're huffing and puffing up a hill? Oh, and Danni brought along Poppy, a beautiful beagle who could definitely have made me part with my last Rolo should the situation have arisen.
The six of us (four humans, two dogs) sallied forth from Steyning. The two-legged walkers looked like they meant business, each with our "proper" waterproofs and rucksacks with emergency apples, doggie treats, water supplies, boiled eggs, compasses and emergency radios therein. OK, I made the last three up but we did look like the real thing which was JUST AS WELL: when Dave mentioned a "steep ascent" to the South Downs, he wasn't kidding. At one point I thought that I was going to die; meanwhile everyone else was forging ahead without the need for oxygen at all. I think I swore at one point. Sorry.
However, what a beautiful walk! The views from Chanctonbury Ring are stunning, rendering all the previous hyperventilating obsolete. Also, townie alert here, the countryside is really quite varied and interesting - woods, open fields, meadows, birdies, wildlife, all sort of different things to look at and appreciate. We detoured a bit to the Frankland Arms for lunch (very civilised) then returned via a route that took us past Wiston House.
We all chatted a lot. What did we learn about each other? Well, you'll have to ask us when you see us on the next walk, which will be promoted on the Events section. One thing I will say, though: we live in a beautiful part of the world. As much as I love Brighton and Hove - as we all do - getting out of it and away from the traffic jams and pollution for a few hours was a joy. My legs didn't ache too much the next day, either. And, it rained for 15 seconds. Can't be bad.
Many thanks to Dave Tester from e-Advantage Solutions for organising such a fun event. We doff our waterproof hats to you.
Blog by Susan Beckingham
Sussex Copywriting Services
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