Tue 06 / 10 / 15
Support for your business with fully funded undergraduate internships
We're working with The University of Sussex to find businesses that would benefit from financial support to employ a Sussex student on a 10 week graduate level project.
The undergraduate internship scheme is fully funded. You could receive £3100 of funding (£3600 for London based organisations) to pay a Sussex graduate.
Internships can commence at any time between 16 November 2015 and 11 January 2016. Interns should receive a minimum of £7.85 per hour (the UK Living Wage) and will be expected to work 37.5 hours per week for 10 weeks.
Please note that expression of interests, in the form of a submitted vacancy, can be submitted via the link below at any time but the deadline for all recruitment to be completed (offer made to graduate, offer accepted and the University notified) is midday,14 December 2015.
The University is inviting potential internship providers to express interest here.
Once your opportunity is confirmed, it will be advertised and interested candidates will be asked to apply directly and we ask you to conduct your usual recruitment process.
If your vacancy is accepted for advertisement, you will be notified by email within 5 working days. Your advert will then be promoted to eligible graduates from early October 2015 onwards. Please note that this is a competitive process and therefore it is not guaranteed that your internship will be filled.
For more information about the scheme or to apply visit www.sussex.ac.uk/careers/aboutus/employers/graduateinternships.
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