Fri 28 / 06 / 13
So what is the State of our City?
In the run up to State of the City 2013 we wanted to test your Knowledge of Brighton & Hove with some facts and stats about our city. How much do you know? (Answers below)
To book your free place at the debate itself, click here: http://stateofthecity13.eventbrite.co.uk/
Q1) What was the average hourly wage for full-time workers in Brighton last year?
Q2) How many businesses are there in Brighton?
Q3) What percentage of business start-ups formed in Brighton in 2005 were still going 3 years later?
Q4) In 2011, what percentage of businesses in Brighton employed 10 people or fewer?
Q5) In 2010, what was the average number of new businesses started in Brighton?
Q6) In 2011, how many jobs were there available on average for every person in Brighton?
Q7) How many people visit Brighton each year, and how much money do they bring to the local economy?
Q8) Where does Brighton rank nationally in terms of areas for job creation in the private sector?
Q9) By what amount did business and retail floor space increase in Brighton in 2009-10?
Q10) In 2008, what percentage of people in Brighton were self-employed?
Answers (no cheating!)
Ans to Q1) £12.46 – lower than both the South East (£13.68) and UK (£12.87) averages.
Ans to Q2) Figures for 2011 showed there were 13,422 businesses in Brighton
Ans to Q3) 67.6%, so just over two thirds. Slightly higher than the figures for England as a whole (64.7%)
Ans to Q4) A huge 86.4%. 11% employed 11-49 people, 2.1% employed 50-199, and only 0.5% employed more than 200
Ans to Q5) The average number per 10,000 working age people was 80.1, far higher than in the South East (67.8) and the UK (58.8)
Ans to Q6) 0.76, fewer than in the South East (0.8), and slightly fewer than in the UK as a whole (0.78)
Ans to Q7) It’s estimated at around 8 million. In 2009, visitors were thought to have spent £732,328,000 in Brighton
Ans to Q8) Between 1998 & 2008 the private sector employment base grew by 25%, making Brighton 8th highest in the country
Ans to Q9) There were net increases of 1,115 square metres of business floor space and 1,225 square metres of retail floor space
Ans to Q10) 16% - higher than the national figure of 12%, putting Brighton in the top 20% of areas in the country for self-employment
Thank you to Rosalind Branagan for compiling the quiz
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