Mon 03 / 07 / 17
Shaping a culture for millennials
Vanessa O'Shea from Culture Shapers gives us 6 ways to help shape a company culture that will engage and retain the future workforce - millennials.
“I always give my all at work, I can’t understand why others don’t”, was the comment from a 21 year old intern, referring to someone twice their age, who was, shall we say ‘cruising’.
This was a typical comment from a ‘millennial’, which is a term which, unless you have been living on the moon for the last year, you would have heard a lot of recently. Millennials, also referred to as ‘Generation Y’ are those born between 1980-1995. ‘Post-millennials’ or ‘Generation Z’ are those born after 1995. These generations, (or ‘young people’ as I like to call them) have particular qualities because of the time in history in which they have grown up.
As leaders and employers, it’s especially important for us to understand this generation as in 2020 50% of our workforce will be made up of those 40 years and under. So we need to start thinking about engaging and retaining them.
6 ways to shape a culture that will engage and retain young people
Check your values and ensure they are being outworked. Young people often have strong personal values, e.g. they are more likely not to buy from or use services where people are exploited, or damaging to the environment. How fair are your practices? And do your values line up with your operations?
Let your young people have a say in your present and future. Recently, young people have been finding their voice. Involve them in your strategy. Mentor them, but also get them to mentor upwards. They can bring fresh ideas and ways of doing things, and help you to consider how what you do or produce impacts society and the environment.
Be flexible. For this generation, the line between work and play has blurred. With a strong value of accountability, they want clarity in what is expected of them. However they want flexibility and autonomy in how and where they work. Think outside the 9-5; introduce flexible hours, remote working, etc.
Ensure that your IT and communication systems are effective, and up-to-date. This people group are used to instant communication, having grown up with the internet. If they are forced to use systems that are slow you may find they get frustrated and leave. Be clear about use of phones at work, but you may have to become much more lenient. Warning: you may have to train them in writing emails professionally, avoiding text speak and emoji’s :)
Review your reward systems. Young people are less interested in financial reward and more interested in work-life balance. Consider offering gym memberships and be generous with your annual leave entitlement.
Create an open-door policy. Lose the hierarchy. Young people are used to having access to the rich and famous via social media, and will expect to be able to access the CEO.
We have a choice whether we are going to expect our young people to fit into our existing structures or whether we work with them, to take our organisations into the future. And if the young intern quoted in the introduction is reflective of the younger generation, I know who I would be working hard to retain.
Thank you to Vanessa O'Shea for providing this blog. For more information on Culture Shapers visit or contact Vanessa here.
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