Thu 30 / 07 / 15
Proactive Absence Management (PAM)
Carrying out return to work meetings (RWM) is an essential aspect of managing absenteeism and if done well it has proven to be a cost effective management tool to reduce both the number of episodes and the length of time taken for sickness. However, managers often feel nervous about getting information from employees particularly if it involves embarrassing or distressing issues and sometimes become counterproductive.
Proactive Absence Management
By managing your sickness in partnership with a HR Medical Specialist you can finally take control of your sickness management in the secure knowledge that it is being managed in an appropriate and cost effective manner. Our HR Medical Specialists can help you ensure that you have:
- Accurate records of absenteeism
- Contact with your employee maintained
- Cost effective workplace adjustments investigated and even implemented
- Alternative cost effective solutions or treatments sought for early return
- Return to work plans devised, negotiated, implemented and reviewed
How does PAM work?
Using a HR Medical Specialist is very effective in the management of employees who have multiple, short duration sickness absences. The HR Medical Specialist can put sickness into context with previous absences, identify links and then in partnership with you offer cost effective solutions to the problem from either a medical point of view or a HR perspective.
These reports will identify;
- If there is an actual or potential for co-occurring with other medical/psychological illness
- Medication issues that may affect the employee in their working environment
- Any long or short term reasonable adjustments to enable the employee to return to work or reduce likelihood of further sickness
- If the illness is due to a disability or likely to become a disability particularly if the root problem is not addressed
- If there are any interventions available which may facilitate an early return to work or reduce the likelihood of future absenteeism
HR Advice Me's aim is to help you identify the root causes for absenteeism of your employees, plan and implement cost effect measures to assist employees back into the workplace, reducing the cost of sickness to your organisation.
If you would like to find out more or arrange for us to help you please contact Bruce Jenner at or call him on 01892 574960.
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