Thu 16 / 08 / 12
New support for businesses from the Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce
A new type of active business support group from the Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce launches on 13th September 2012, designed for businesses of all sizes and at any stage of development.
Wayfinderis a programme of face-to-face peer support groups focusing on nurturing decision-making at an emotional and practical level. It’s completely confidential and provides local business people with a forum to discuss, experiment, share and ultimately succeed. Members join a small facilitated group which takes a systematic and empathetic approach to facing and resolving business challenges.
Five groups will start the process, aimed at businesses at different stages of development:
Wayfinder: SatNav Down
“I know where I want to go, but I don’t know the best way to get there.”
Entrepreneurs have great distance vision, but sometimes aren’t so good at mapping the route in detail. This group is for those with a clear goal, but getting there is unclear or too daunting to undertake alone. It will help members share and address common experience of designing a workable plan of action and seeing it through, so the route becomes as clear as the destination.
Wayfinder: Crossroads
“Change in my business is giving me tough choices to make.”
Business growth means having to make crucial decisions at certain times, each of which will have a different effect on the business and the owner. This group will help carry the weight of those decisions, support emotionally and help narrow options to the one that suits the person and the business best.
Wayfinder: Peak Experience
“It’s lonely at the top.”
Once a business is grown and the owner is sitting at the top thinking about what to do next, it can be refreshing and rewarding to hook up and confide in others at the same altitude. This group is a safe and confidential place to discuss and share the challenges of being at the helm of an established business and to discuss the next move alongside others scaling the same heights.
Wayfinder: Rusty Compass
“I need a new challenge.”
Sometimes it gets to a point in a person’s business life when what they’re doing is just not cutting it for them anymore. This group helps members find ways to apply existing experience, talent and skills to something new and exciting, whether within the current sector or something completely different.
Wayfinder: New Boots
“I’m ready to take my next great leap forward.”
This group is for newer businesses, especially those who find themselves at that crucial point when they realise they’re in it for the long haul and are ready to take the step up to a bigger, better proposition. This requires confidence in both the individual and the plans so this group gives the energy and encouragement for both.
What all the groups have in common:
- They focus equally on the emotional and practical aspects of being in business
- They are held in complete confidence and encourage honesty and openness
- The group will set its own agenda and a skilled facilitator will keep the agenda on track
- Members can say whatever they want: every idea is valid
- Members can experiment: Wayfinder is a safe space to play with difficulty and challenges
- Arrogance and ego are left at the door
- Meetings are challenging and constructive, but always positive and supportive
- Members will be expected to act on what is decided and report on progress
- No-one sells anything
How Wayfinder works
- Each group will have no more than six participants plus a facilitator
- Members choose which group suits and whether to meet in the morning or after work
- Members don’t have to commit to meetings in advance, just pick the ones fit their diaries and book online
- Each group will be constructed so members who share similar stages of their development and/or issues will be in the same group
What it costs
Each session costs £25, available to Chamber members. For anyone not yet a member, Wayfinder is a great way to see the Chamber in action, and people are welcome to go to two meetings at the members’ price, before deciding to join up and benefit from the Chamber’s entire programme of business support.
“This is a very interesting new approach by the Chamber”, says Sarah Springford, Chamber director, “and one which actively supports business people in the area no matter what size their company is, what their goals are or what stage in their business life they’re at. There’s something for everyone. I feel this is a real opportunity to help members who need it, and in turn help the Brighton and Hove business community and the local economy as a whole.”
For more information, contact Sarah Springford at the Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce on 01273 719097 or Jill Woolf at Chimera Communications on 01903 812275.
Copy by Jill Woolf, Chimera Communications
Public Relations & Marketing Consultancy
Design by Stoats & Weasels
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