Thu 04 / 06 / 20
Launch of online applications to the Brighton & Hove Discretionary Grants for small business
The aim of the Discretionary Grant is to help some of the businesses who have fallen outside the criteria for previous small business grants. The discretionary grants are administered by Councils and Brighton & Hove City Council have launched the eligibility criteria for applying and details for how to do this today.
The deadline for applications is 12 June.
You need to read these short guidelines before applying.
Businesses will be required to provide the following information as part of their application:
• If you pay rates you will need to provide the rateable value per annum
• If you pay Council Tax rather than rates for your business you will need to provide the value per annum
• You will need to state turnover for 2018/2019
• The average turnover for the last three-years (or full years in operation if less)
• The value of their fixed costs, e.g. rent, rates, mortgage
• The value of any other government support received e.g. loans, furlough compensation, charity funding
You will also be asked to upload the following documents:
• Business Bank statements that are less than 3 months old showing your account name, sort code and account number
• Audited accounts for the last 3 years, or, if you do not have audited accounts, then management accounts for the last three years
• You will be asked to complete a 12 month cashflow forecast on a template provided.
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