Fri 19 / 10 / 12
Interesting Times: Seminar 25th October
The next waves of digital disruption, patterns to watch for. Anticipate, survive and thrive in times of rapid change.
Venue: Lighthouse, 28 Kensington Street, Brighton BN1 4AJ
Date: Thursday 25th October 2012 6.00-8.00 pm
“May you live in interesting times", often referred to as the Chinese curse
These are uncertain times. Amid economic woes and the slow crash in Europe it is easy to overlook deeper uncertainties about the future or employment and business. Yet a permanent wave of change is underway as the third industrial revolution, the digital one, gathers pace. 3D printing, Virtual Agents, Crowd Funding and Genomics amongst others herald profound shifts in business and the economy, changes that eclipse the powerful upheaval still working its way through media and publishing.
In this seminar you’ll discover how the history of digital disruption reveals deep patterns that will help you anticipate how business and employment will be reshaped in the coming years. You’ll get answers to questions like:
- What forces set change in motion?
- How will I know if my business or job will be affected?
- Why are Edge, Pull and Flow critical forces that determine outcomes?
- Why will Product Design become one of the most profitable professions?
- What are the real threats and opportunities for business?
- How do I move myself, and my business, to a position of advantage?
You’ll also learn about some of the tools and methods that you can use to chart your own Route to Value and move progressively to where future advantage lies. The view of established futurologists and pundits will help to add perspective and there will be time for participation from the audience.
This event is free to attend.
Tel: 07976 889 650
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