Thu 05 / 04 / 12
Drought briefing for Brighton & Hove businesses - 3rd May, Hove Town Hall
You will be aware that the South East of England is officially in a drought situation.
On 5th April Drought Orders come into force that affect the domestic use of water.
There is a possibility that further drought measures will be required in the near future which will affect the business and commercial use of water.
Brighton & Hove City Council (through the Business Resilience Forum) invites you to attend a briefing session to outline the current water supply situation for the City, and to discuss any measures that could be adopted to sustain the water supply for the city. They thought it best to run the session now to allow you time to plan any changes you may need to make to business practice later in the year.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 3rd May from 1:00-4:00pm at Hove Town Hall.
It is a FREE event open to all businesses in the city, but especially useful to those with high use, or dependency on water, including tourism, leisure, etc. Others will find it informative.
They have arranged for subject matter experts from the Met Office, Environment Agency and Southern Water to give short factual presentations to show why we are facing this problem, how drinking water is supplied to the city, and how we can work together to get the most out of the situation we find ourselves in.
This will be followed by an open question and answer session.
If you would like to attend please let them know by email
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