Mon 14 / 12 / 09
DIY Public Relations: Getting your name in the papers
The workshop is practical, interactive and particularly beneficial to medium and small businesses as it offers lots of good advice and tips on how to get excellent publicity, without blowing the budget on a PR agency. The course is in three parts, one full and two half days, and is ideal for any business wanting to raise their profile through the media. Delegates will learn how to write a press release about their business, who to send it to and how to maximise their chances of coverage. They will have the opportunity to report back on their PR activity and explore issues arising from it, obtain feedback on their continuing PR activities and look at building a long-term PR strategy.
The University of Brighton would like to offer this course to all Chamber members at the special price of £400 + VAT. Alternatively, if your business has fewer than 50 employees you may be eligible for one of their bursaries, which will give you £100 discount on the full price of £475 + VAT (see for details).
More information and an online booking form is at Just mention ‘Chamber’ in the ‘Where did you hear about the course?’ box to claim the discount.
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