Tue 07 / 08 / 12
Chamber of Commerce supports local retailers with free mystery shopping
Brighton & Hove independent retailers can sign up for a free business support from their Chamber of Commerce as part of the Ride the Wave initiative next month.
There will be 25 ‘Custom Eyes’ workshops for independent retailers, which comprise a mystery shop followed by a one to one feedback session carried out by industry experts Shopper Anonymous Sussex, in association with the Let’s Do Business Group.
Mystery shopping is an honest, often encouraging, and always beneficial way to see a retail business as others see it. The scheme has been run before and the Chamber knows how well it works for retailers.
Having a mystery shop helps identify important customer service details like how quickly customers are served, how accessible the store is, how friendly and efficient employees are, and much more. Following a review, businesses see an increase in standards and sales, and areas for improvement are spotted by the review, not the customers. Where things could be better, further resources and training will also be offered.
At the feedback and review, businesses will have the chance to discuss and consider what steps could be taken to improve customer experience in the future.
Potential outcomes and benefits of mystery shopping include:
• Attract new customers
• Retain current customers by improving loyalty
• Improve customer service
• Increase sales
• Correct weakness and spot opportunities
• Improve standards and retail expertise
Places will be on a first come first serviced basis and all information will be treated in strict confidence between the business and the consultant.
To book email membership@businessinbrighton.org.uk or call Eleanor on 01273 719097
Sarah Springford, Chamber director said “As some small businesses can’t always afford mystery shopping or market research, and therefore miss out on the huge benefits, Ride the Wave is a great way to bring the many small businesses in Brighton, Hove and the surrounding areas together to improve their offering, skills, stability and futures.”
Gavin Stewart, Brighton Business Improvement District (BID) Manager said
"The Ride the Wave workshops have been brilliant for retail in the Brighton City Centre. Businesses need all the help they can get to support them in the current economic climate. Ride the Wave has proven to deliver the skills and information retailers and businesses need to navigate them towards a healthier bottom line and given them the hard facts to improve on their business planning."
Councillor Gill Mitchell, Chair of the Support for the Retail Sector Scrutiny Panel, said
“Ride the Wave has a package of innovative support programmes for local businesses of all sorts and sizes to help them weather the recession. The events on offer reflect several of the requests for support from local traders raised at the council’s recent scrutiny panel hearings on supporting the local retail sector and are tailored to local business needs.”
Brighton & Hove City Council’s deputy leader, Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty, said: “This is a great opportunity for local businesses to participate in workshops and training that are relevant to them, whether they are new enterprise wanting to try out their ideas, or established companies looking to develop their business further. The council is pleased to be investing in Ride The Wave for a second year to support the city’s business community in these difficult times.”
To find out about workshop dates and programme details as they are announced, please sign up to the Ride the Wave mailing list by emailing ridethewave@businessinbrighton.org.uk with the subject ADD ME and your name. And follow us on Twitter @brightonchamber #ridethewave. Or call 01273 719097.
Press release courtesy of Jill Woolf, CHIMERACOMMUNICATIONS
Public Relations & Marketing Consultancy
Design by Lisa Bamford, Stoats & Weasels
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