Thu 30 / 04 / 15
Catching up with Steve Bustin before the Big Debate - Is there a place for politics in business?
As election fever hits an all time high with just days to go, we caught up with Steve Bustin, winner of
'Speaker of the Year' 2015 award and host of the Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce post
election 'Big Debate – Is there a place for politics in business?'
Which political party will do best for business and why?
As on so many issues, it’s impossible to tell the parties apart on their attitudes to business. They all want
more of it, more jobs and less red tape. Whether they can deliver any of that is another matter.
Which elements of business should politicians do more for?
We all spend too much of our lives filling in forms that seem to be for the sake of officialdom, not for the
sake of our businesses. I’m sure we’d all welcome those tedious hours of our lives back.
Which should they stay out of?
Innovation - it’s not something that can be legislated for or controlled. It certainly shouldn’t be penalised. Encourage it with funding and opportunities but don’t stifle it by trying to use it for political gain.
“Politics” often feels complicated. How can businesses better understand the impact of politics on their
Get informed. Keep abreast of what’s going on and what’s being said. Don’t rely on others to develop an
opinion or action plan for you - be proactive at responding, consulting and offering an opinion whenever
the opportunity arises.
Book your place at the Big Debate here, it’s a free event at Brighthelm on Tuesday 19th May.
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